Innovation of Tape Plant for Country

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April 29, 2015
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Innovation of Tape Plant for Country

Serat terima bibit padi oleh ketua POKTAN Sumber Makmur I kepada perwakilan tim sebagai lambang kerja sama yang dilakukan kedua belah pihak

Serat terima bibit padi oleh ketua POKTAN Sumber Makmur I kepada perwakilan tim sebagai lambang kerja sama yang dilakukan kedua belah pihak

As we know that Indonesia is one of the world’s largest consumer of rice led to increased demand for rice in the country in line with the growing number of people each year. Rice cultivation various problems faced by the government in an effort to promote food self-sufficiency programs of which are rare and expensive labour farm workers, the high cost of fertilizer, water crisis spread evenly, high weed interference, until the soil humus growing shortage due to the use of chemicals. Various of the above problems underlie the five students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) University of Brawijaya namely M. Haekal Fakhruddin (THP 2013), Basuki Rahmat (THP 2013), Dianita Rossari Dewi (THP 2013), Merlyn Novita Sari (THP 2013), and Ainun Azizi (TEP 2012) under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djoyowasito, MS. making mulch of rice plants, T-OPR (Technology of Organic Planting Ribbon) through the Student Creativity Program of Technology (PKM-T) in 2015.
T-OPR is tape plant technology which is modified to complete the disadvantages. Previous research, the perfection of this tape plant is placed in the cover part using thin material and transparent then it will not disturb the begin process of absorb sunlight in the germination time.
T-OPR is purposed to decrease worker in the process of sowing seed, repeal, distribution , and re-plant the rice seed substituted just with rolling out the organic tape plant. T-OPR also purposed to become organic fertilizer then can decrease the chemical fertilizer using. In addition, T-OPR also can e used as rice coverer from weeds which is really often to grow side by the rice then the weeds is cannot be repealed and forced left to grow until the harvest is coming.

Proses penggelaran T-OPR untuk aplikasi di sawah milik salah satu anggota POKTAN Sumber Makmur I

Proses penggelaran T-OPR untuk aplikasi di sawah milik salah satu anggota POKTAN Sumber Makmur I

Since last February, T-OPR is implemented in one member of Sumber Makmur 1 of Farmer Group (POKTAN), this is Mr. Sutardji. The result of its implementation planned will be monitored until two months ago. The monitoring result until now it proved that T-OPR be able to prevent the growth of weeds which are side by side with the rice, however also can be increased in another important commodity like soybeans. (dse/translated by Ratri)

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