Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory

1. Laboratory description

The Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (TSAL) is a laboratory that focuses on the sustainable use of natural resources. Apart from supporting the educational process, the TSAL laboratory also serves surveys, measurements and primary data collection in the field.


To become an international standard laboratory in the development of science in the field of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering


Carry out research and disseminate research results in sustainable use of natural resources Support the educational process in the field of natural resource engineering in Universitas Brawijaya

2. Functions and roles of the laboratory

Laboratory services are related to the implementation of practicum, student thesis research, lecturer research and public services such as sample testing. The products produced are in the form of workspaces for research, material storage areas, chemical supply services and research equipment.

  • Education
    The TSAL laboratory is regularly used to support the lecture process, namely for student practicum and research.
  • Research
    Research services include: soil analysis, soil and area surface profile measurement, and water flow measurement.
  • Community Service
    Community service services are carried out by collecting field data including: water discharge, area mapping, vegetation plot sampling, soil samples, water samples, and liquid waste samples.
  • Development Plan
    The types of services to be developed are: mapping, geographic information system computing, erosion, irrigation system consulting and planning, environmental conservation, and environmental informatics consulting.

3. Laboratory Equipment and Facilities

The facilities and equipment available at the Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory include:

Nama KegiatanPeralatan yang tersediaKebutuhan Improvement
Pemetaan Lahan (Survey/Pengukuran, pengambilan data primer)1) Pengunting
2) Rambu Meter
3) Total Station
4) Teodolit
5) Tripot
6) Prisma
7) Tiang Prisma
8) Drone 25 Pro
9) GPS
10) Abney level
1) –
2) Perlu perbaikan tampilan angka
3) Kalibrasi
4) Kalibrasi
5) –
6) –
7) –
8) –
9) Kalibrasi
10) -
Komputasi Sistem Informasi GeografisSet PC/Komputer Meja Gambar1) Perlu diganti semua PC dengan komputer/laptop dengan spec yang sesuai untukolah data SIG
Sampling dan Analisis Fluida/Perairan/Bangunan Perairan1) Water sampler
2) Current meter
3) pH meter
4) DO meter
5) Infiltrometer
6) Rangkaian
7) Sekat Ukur
8) Spektrofoto UV VIS
9) TDS meter
1) –
2) Perbaikan
3) –
4) –
5) –
6) Pengganian dengan rangka besi baru
7) –
8) Kalibrasi
9) -
Sampling Tanah1) Prisma
2) Auger Soil sampler
3) Digital Soil
4) pH meter
5) analog soil tester
1) –
2) –
3) –
4) –
5) -
Lain-lain1) Beaker Glass
2) Bulb
3) Buret
4) Cawan Petri
5) Coverglass
6) Erlenmayer
7) Gelas Ukur
8) Kertas Saring
9) Pengaduk kaca
10) Pipet
11) Tabung reaksi

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