Laboratory of Biotechnology

Laboratory of Biotechnology


Biotechnology is a branch of science that studies the use of living things (bacteria, fungi, viruses, plants, and animals) and their products (enzymes) in the production process to produce goods and services on an industrial scale. Biotechnology is now a new economic wave that will become the world’s economy’s power. Indonesia is one of the largest countries in the world with diverse ecosystems and abundance biomass. This potential gives optimism that biotechnology will be able to be developed optimally in this country. However, few of the millions of biological resources have been explored. Indonesia’s inability to optimally utilize its biological potency and the biomass is due to a lack of skill in the biotechnology field. 

The development of industrial biotechnology in Indonesia is significant and urgent given the high potential of biological natural resources and the shift in world industrial trends towards a sustainable industry that pays attention to social, economic, and environmental aspects. The existence of the biotechnology laboratory is intended to equip students with reliable research skills in the field of biotechnology that can compete nationally and even internationally. More broadly, as an effort to improve the development of industrial biotechnology in Indonesia, the existence of a biotechnology laboratory is expected to provide benefits to the preparation of human resources. The research areas covered by the biotechnology laboratory are enzyme technology, bioprocess technology, bioenergy, biosensors, bioinformatics, nutrigenomics and food safety.


To be a laboratory of industrial biotechnology that acts as a center of research and development in food and agricultural products that be beneficial for society both at the national and international level.


  1. To improve student competence in industrial biotechnology as well as entrepreneurial skill.
  2. To provide laboratory work for students of undergraduate, master and doctoral program.
  3. To establish research collaborations with stakeholders in industrial biotechnology
  4. To disseminate the research on industrial biotechnology that can encourage the Indonesian economy while maintaining the environment.


  1. To support good education in order to develop science and technology in industrial biotechnology and able to be applied to the community.
  2. To produce high quality research work in industrial biotechnology that is able to encourage the development of food-based industries and agricultural products.
  3. To actively participate in the dissemination of science and technology of industrial biotechnology that can be applied in society and industry.
  4. To produce national and international publications.


2Biological Safety Cabinet Class II1
3Incubator CO21
5Analytical balance2
6Fermenter/bioreactor (3L)1
7Gel documentation/DNA imager2
8PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) machine1
9Hotplate stirrer2
10Plate stirrer3
11Laminar air flow1
12Micropipette100-1000 μl9
13Micropipette 10-100 μl4
14Micropipette 20-200 μl1
15Micropipette 50-200 μl1
16Micropipette 1-10 μl2
17Micropipette 2-20 μl2
18Micropipette 0.1-2.5 μl1
19Micropipette 0,5-5 ml1
20Multichannel Micropipette 30-300 ml1
21Microplate Reader ELx8001
23Mini centrifuge (spindown)2
24pH meter1
25Refrigerated centrifuge1
27Spectrophotometer UV Vis2
28Deep freezer -80°C1
29Freezer -20°C1
31Vertical electrophoresis chamber3
32Horizontal electrophoresis chamber4
33Mini trans-blot electrophoretic transfer cell1

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