Infilter Team Action in Garung Village, Lamongan

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Infilter Team Action in Garung Village, Lamongan

20150404_114607After succeeded with Energy Independent Village movement step 1 in West Garung Village of Lamongan last February, four students of Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) of Brawijaya University now they invite people of East Garung Village to do same activity. Garung Village in Lamongan District is known with its potential of cow husbandry. From about500 families, more than half of it is breeding the cow.
For the first time heard cow manure, of course many tings passes in our brain, such as bad smell, polluting the environment and disturb the aesthetic, however from the cow manure there are so many advantages we got if we wisely in handling. One of cow manure products we can get is biogas. Biogas is one of alternative energy from fermentation process of organic waste anaerobically then it produces methane gas (easy to burn). Methane gas is gas can be used for biogas.
This problem initiated 4 students of Brawijaya University of Malang held a community service activity with program of innovated energy independent village in Garung Village, Sambeng sub-district, Lamongan District by using cow manure to biogas. The community service program held on 3rd to 5th April 2015. Garung Village is one of regions in Lamongan District which half of 500 families are cow breeders; with this number cows caused the number of cow manure which is produced. Then with the number of cow made this village became a big energy independent village to be developed.

20150404_115851In the making of biogas installation consisted of various components for such as inlet hole, biogas digester, outlet hole, gas container and modified stove. Biogas digester is important component in the biogas construction because digester is a place for organic material fermentation to biogas, used digester is fixed dome digester with the cow manure capacity 1000 liter of cow manure. Biogas can be a substitute of LPG/firewood stove which used heat energy from biogas, substitute of operational premium, turn on the genset, water pump and other machines also become fuel for lighting.

Those students of Brawijaya University are Rahmat Hidayat (TEP 2012), Syaifa Nuraini (TIP 2013), Musyaroh (TIP 2013) and Agus Susanto (TEP 2011) who are grouped in INFILTER TEAM. Thsis community Service Program is one of programs which is got grant from Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) through Student Creativity Program 2015. It was expected with the program can make Garung Village as energy independent village which using cow manure as biogas. Currently biogas installations from INFILTER TEAM are 2 biogas installations and used by 3 head of families.
Side Product of Biogas

20150404_082135Not only methane gas which is used from biogas, however slurry biogas also can be used becomes other appropriate products, those are it can be used as catfish feed and organic fertilizer, then the four students not only made biogas, but also gave training and knowledge about the product development of slurry biogas. They cooperate with region head of PKK Garung Village and catfish farmer in Garung Village.
With the head of region of PKK Village Garung, INFILTER TEAM innovated Green and Clean, with a program to plant pots / polybag placed in front of the house, the plant is a vegetable crops such as cabbage, kale, spinach, eggplant, peppers and eggplant, so as to create green environment and can meet its own consumption and also provides a healthy vegetable, because manure is used as fertilizer derived from biogas slurry, so it is safe for consumption. In addition to the PKK team also cooperation with catfish farmers, INFILTER TEAM training catfish feed manufacturing materials that can be substituted itself, so it will reduce the consumption of feed concentrate and save cost of catfish feed. Materials used in the manufacture of catfish feed is biogas slurry, bran, chicken offal, corncob Corn. TEAM INFILTER so that the program can provide insight into the use of cow manure into appropriate products in the form of biogas, organic fertilizer and fish feed and by this program will achieve food needs Garung village. (dse/translated by Ratri)



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