Student – Alumni Affairs


The composition of the student body consists of FTP:

1. RUM FTP (FTP students of General Meeting)

is the highest institution of the highest forum as a representation of a student who holds ultimate sovereignty faculty at the faculty level.

2. DPM FTP (FTP Student Representative Council)

an implementing agency mandate FTP RUM perform legislative functions and student advocacy. It is responsible directly to the FTP RUM.

3. BP-DPM FTP (Agency Worker-Student Representative Council FTP)

is an organization that runs the executive functions at the level of faculty formed and composed by DPM FTP responsible directly to the FTP RUM.

4. RUMJ FTP (FTP Student General Meeting)

forum is a sovereign institution at the highest level the department has coordinative relationship with RUM FTP.

5. HMJ FTP (FTP Student Association)

as the implementing agency mandated RUMJ FTP, to carry out the functions of professional development and executive-level or department. HMJ FTP consists of:

  • Agricultural Technology Student Association (HIMALOGISTA)
  • Agricultural Industrial Technology Student Association (HIMATITAN)
  • Agricultural Engineering Students Association (Himateta)

6. RUA-SME FTP (Annual General Meeting Student Activity Unit FTP)

institutions and forums is the highest sovereign members of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Faculty level that have a coordinative relationship with RUM FTP.


as the implementing agency mandated SME RUA-FTP, which perform the function of interest and talent development. SMEs FTP consists of:

a. Interest in Islamic Spirituality, Agricultural Technology Assessment Forum (FORKITA)

b. Interest in Christian Spirituality, Christian Activity Unit (UAKK) now Euphrates.

c. Interest in Catholic Spirituality, Catholic Spiritual Activity Unit (UAAKat) now Harmony of Catholic Students (WCL).

d. TECHNO Student Press Agency (LPM TECHNO).

e. Interests Sport, Agritech Sport (US FTP).

8. ABC (Agriculture Bussiness Centre)

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