Humadity Control for Mushroom Farmer by TEP Students

Infilter Team Action in Garung Village, Lamongan
May 2, 2015
Nanda Shabrina Nurmalita and Muhammad Fikry Izza the Ambassarors of FTP 2015
May 10, 2015

Humadity Control for Mushroom Farmer by TEP Students

humadity tep ftpIncreased demand of oyster mushroom is not balanced by the production capacity underlie the five students of Agricultural Engineering Department of Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP TEP) to innovate in its cultivation. All five are Ade Rian P (TEP 2012), Achmad Chubaybu (TEP 2012), Miftahul Hilmi (TEP 2012), Susilowati (TEP 2012) and Mohammed Zulfikar Lutfi (TEP 2011) under the guidance of Good Mochammad Herman, STP. M.Sc. innovated in control systems cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) through the Student Creativity Program of Technology Application PKM-T) in 2015.
Rian Ade explained that in order to increase the production of the oyster mushroom cultivation process must fulfil the main condition of growth (growing) fungi, for example, is equipped with a rack bleak planting and fogging apparatus. This fogging function flushes and set the air temperature at 220-280C optimal conditions with humidity of 80-90% according to the limit. “The cultivation of this fungus is actually quite easy, only requiring accuracy, because if the temperature and humidity do not fit will result in an area of petals that were not appropriate. If the temperature is less would reduce the size of the petals, while if the temperature is too high will cause excess water content thus shortening the shelf life because of rapid decay. Thanks to the control system will mushroom growers work more efficiently because it can reduce production costs, improve quality, and replace human work “he explained.

TIM HUMADITY TEPHumidity Control works team in 2015 TEP PKM-T is humidity control device that can work automatically. If the humidity and temperature of a room is not in accordance with the reference (humidity less than 70% and the room temperature of more than 260C), the appliance will turn on automatically and will flush the place of cultivation to adjust the temperature and humidity requirements.
Making this tool is relatively simple by using AVR microcontroller ATMega-16 and pipes designed in parallel to produce a uniform watering at all parts of the place of cultivation. In addition it is also used sensors to detect temperature and humidity. The team is also using fogging nozzles for watering results and application programming as a regulator of the course of the process of watering.

20150225_115325After the testing process, the result of cultivation when the ambient temperature reaches 300C appliance ignited by a factor of temperature reading accuracy ± 50C temperature can drop until the temperature in the cultivation room became 240C with the old watering 15 minutes. Humidity of 60% increased to 75% in the interval watering 15 minutes. Known also for temperature and humidity watering stops together because of the synchronization of temperature sensors and humidity sensors. Watering results also showed uniformity resulting fogging nozzles.
Results of testing tools in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Desperate Farmers Group Purwodadi village districts Donomulyo leadership of Imam Sujudi on Thursday (04/30/2015) showed that Humadity Control can be used for controlling the temperature and humidity in the room cultivation. Thus proved Humadity Control works TEP is able to replace manpower duty to care for, raise produktivtas mushrooms, reduce operating costs of care in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. (dse/translated by Ratri)


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