Opening Ceremony Dies Natalis FTP XVII

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Opening Ceremony Dies Natalis FTP XVII

_MG_2563“Happy birthday to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Hopefully, at the age of seventeen FTP will increasingly going international,” The hope of the dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) University of Brawijaya, Dr.Ir. Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, M.App.Sc., in his speech when opening the Opening Ceremony Anniversary FTP XVII on Thursday 24th April 2014 morning on the second floor of the Hall Building F FTP. At an event was hosted by Dwiki Muhammad Ankasawan (TIP 2013) and Inna (THP 2013) The Dean also expressed his hope that the celebration of the Anniversary of FTP this time not only the scene of have fun, but also a container of friendship to forge solidarity among the entire academic community FTP , In addition Dr.Sudarminto who is two months served as Dean of the target FTP also explained that students are expected to graduate on time can reach the percentage of 30% in the first year of leadership and more than 50% in the following years.
While the chief executive, M.Ghiffari (TEP 2013) stated, “Especially for students, is expected by the momentum of the 17th anniversary FTP can proceed to become more mature. Generally the whole academic community may be better FTP and can synergize,” he said in front of about 200 students in attendance.
At the Opening Ceremony which was the opening event a series of anniversary celebrations, this FTP offerings FLOLETA dance creations, acoustic music Teni floppy and PANITIA BAND and the introduction of the eight pairs of finalists Ambassador FTP, 2015. The series of 17th anniversary events of FTP included the People’s Party on26 March 2015, Competition SMEs on 27 to30 March 2015, Dean Cup in the sport of badminton, futsal, basketball and table tennis 03 to 05 May 2015 which will be closed by the Surprise Party in the form of concept art performances ” from FTP, by FTP, for FTP ” on 10th May 2015. (dse/translated by Ratri)

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