From 1975 to 1997, the Agricultural Technology (AT) branch was held by the AT department when it was still under the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (FA-UB). The journey to the establishment of FA-UB was quite long. In the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Brawijaya, a new department was opened under the name of the Department of Agricultural Product Technology (APT).
The establishment of the new department was intended to develop disciplines relevant to the post-harvest handling of agricultural products. Based on Decree number: 0211/U/1982 of the Minister of Education and culture of the Republic of Indonesia, this institution has been officially classified as one of the majors under FA-UB since 1982, in charge of the APT study program and the Agricultural Mechanization (AM) study interest area.
Based on Decree Number: 118/Dikti/Lap/84 of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, the name of the APT department was changed to the TP Department which managed two SP, listed as the APT SP and Agricultural Mechanization (AM) SP.
The Decree Number: 0411/U/1994 of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia was issued, altering the AM SP to Agricultural Engineering (AE) SP. Decree Number: 0411/U/1994 of the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia changed AM SP to Agricultural Engineering and changed again into Agricultural Engineering SP on 28 December 2009, in accordance with Decree Number 419/SK/2009 and APT SP was changed into Food Science and Technology (FST) SP with the Decree Number : 865/EI.3/HK/2011 of the Director General of Higher Education. In an effort to prompt the development of the agricultural sector, especially the agricultural industry, the Department of Agricultural Technology opened a new study interest, namely Agro-Industrial Technology (AIT) in 1983. Since 1984, the Department of Agricultural Technology has had three study programs: APT, AE and AIT enrolled in the JMPTN, even though the determination of the AIT Study Program only occurred on April 1, 1998 with the issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 103/DIKTI/Kep/1998.
FAT has 2 Master Programs, known as Master Program in Agricultural Product Technology in the Department of Agricultural Products Technology with Decree No. 169/DIKTI/KEP/1999 with an extension permit in accordance with Decree No. 2375/D/T/K-N/2010 dated June 2, 2010 and Master Program in Agro-Industrial Technology in the Department of Agro-Industrial Technology with Decree No. 1504/D/T/2007 dated June 22, 2007 with an extension permit in accordance with Decree No. 4854/D/T/K-N/2010 dated December 16, 2011. In developing the Doctoral level, the opening of the Doctoral Program for Agro-Industrial Technology SP was still in the process of being submitted in accordance with Decree No. 234/SK/2010 dated August 6, 2010. While a Doctoral Program is available, which is in the form of Agricultural Product Technology Study Interest and a Study Interest in Agro-Industrial Technology, both study interests are managed under the Doctoral Program of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya.
Based on the Chancellor's Decree No. 261/SK/2009 under the Department of Agricultural Product Technology, there is a Laboratory for Processing and Engineering of Food and Agricultural Products, a Laboratory for Chemistry and Biochemistry of Food and Agricultural Products, a Laboratory for Microbiology of Food and Agricultural Products, and a Laboratory for Food Nutrition and Agricultural Products. Under the Department of Agricultural Engineering, there is a Food and Agricultural Product Processing Engineering Laboratory, an Agricultural Power and Machinery Laboratory, a Natural Resources and Environment Laboratory, and a Mechatronics Laboratory for Agro-industry Tools and Machinery. The Department of Agro-Industrial Technology houses the Agrochemical Technology Laboratory, the Bioindustry Laboratory, the Computing and Systems Analysis Laboratory, and the Agro-industrial Management Laboratory.
As many as 3190 graduates have spread throughout Indonesia. To increase the number and quality of graduates and to strengthen their role in the development of the agricultural sector, especially the agro-industry, FAT-UB is always working to enhance the quantity and quality of its lecturers. In 2011, FAT-UB had 87 lecturers consisting of 76 lecturers (civil servants) and 11 permanent lecturers (non-civil servants). FAT UB's lecturer staff consisted of 6 professors, 25 lecturers with doctoral degrees, 60 lecturers with master's degrees, and 2 lecturers with bachelor's degrees. Until the end of November 2011, there were 24 teaching staff pursuing doctoral programs and 2 staff pursuing master's degrees, both in Indonesia and abroad.