Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life.Sc.Ph.D.
NIP. 19810516 200312 1 002
Phone: (0341) 580106
Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Address of Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology Building 8th floor
1) Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering, Institut
Pertanian Bogor
2) Master of Applied Life Sciences, Osaka
Prefecture University Japan
3) Doctorate of Applied Life Sciences, Osaka
Prefecture University Japan
Managerial Experience:
a) Vice Dean student affairs Faculty of Agricultural Technology
b) Chairman of the editorial board of the Journal of Agricultural Technology
c) Secretary Of Engineering Department Agriculture
Endrika Widyastuti SPt., M.Sc., MP., PhD
NIP. 19850925 201212 2 002
Vice Dean I of Academic Affairs
Phone: (0341) 580106
Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Address of Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology Building 8th floor
1) Bachelor of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya
2) Master of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya
3) Master of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
4) Doctor of Philosophy, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Managerial Experience:
Dr. Dodyk Pranowo, STP. M.Si
NIP. 19790405 200312 1 005
Vice Dean II of General, Finance and Human Resources
Phone: (0341) 580106
Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Address of Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology Building 8th floor
1) Bachelor of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya
2) Master of Science, IPB University
3)Doctor, IPB University
Managerial Experience:
Dr. Ir. Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, S.TP., M.Sc.
NIP. 19820805 200501 1 003
Vice Dean III of Student Affairs, Alumni, Student Entrepreneurship
Phone: (0341) 580106
Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Address of Work Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Technology Building 8th floor
1) Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering, IPB University
2) Master of Science, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
3)Doctor, Universitas Brawijaya
Managerial Experience:
Firmansyah, SH.
NIP. 197003312005011001
Head of Administration
Ely Andajani S.Sos.
NIP. 197109032001122001
Head of Academic, Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Student Entrepreneurship
Shirley Harry Saputra S.AB
NIP. 198107242009102001
Head of Human Resources and Finance
Firmansyah, SH.
NIP. 197003312005011001
Head of General and Assets