Workshop of Agriculture Mechanical Corn Cultivation of DuPont Indonesia

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Workshop of Agriculture Mechanical Corn Cultivation of DuPont Indonesia

IMG_2658Department of Agricultural Engineering (TEP) Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) UB held a workshop for Agricultural Crops Corn for PT. DuPont Indonesia for two days, Tuesday to Wednesday 28th to 29th April 2015. Training that brings experts Techniques Natural Resources and Environment (TSAL) will discuss the TEP complete irrigation and tillage system most suitable to produce quality maize.
In his speech when opening the event, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FTP, Dr.Ir.Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA said, “Thank you for PT.DuPont Indonesia. We hope this activity will pave the way cooperation between FTP and DuPont Indonesia in the future. We also hope that this workshop can develop simultaneously to several other commodities later, not only limited to the cultivation of maize alone, “He said in front of about 25 participants.
Meanwhile, Research Production Department PT. DuPont Indonesia, Lusiana Andriani stated, “We are sorry because of some crashes, until the schedule change changing until finally done today. Thank you for the warm FTP excellent. All of the participants are practitioners or staff down on the ground and have not been followed this kind of training. So knowledge of this workshop would be very useful for us later, “She said.
On the first day of the workshop will be held in the Department of Agricultural Engineering FTP with material Irrigation for Maize (surface, bulk and drops) by Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS., Water Management for Maize by Dr.Ir.Ruslan Wirosoedarmo, MS., Needs and availability by Dr.Ir. Johanes Bambang Rahadi, MS., and Evaluation of Irrigation Systems by Evi Kurniati, STP. MT. M.Sc. The first day will conclude with Insulation Measurement Calibration lab, Irrigation Scheduling and Wetting Patterns in the laboratory Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering and Simulation Power Plant Spacing in the laboratory of Agricultural Machinery.
While on the second day, which was focused in the PT. DuPont Indonesia was a practical field Pnetrometer Measurements, Detention Slide, Aggregate Distribution / Stability Aggregate, Meter and Measurement Debit Relief Irrigation. Not only that, the participants will also get material Physical Properties and Soil Mechanics by Dr.Ir.Gunomo Djojowasito, MS., Soil Processing and Measurement Techniques by Ir. Ari Mustafa Ahmad, MS., And Maintenance, Plant Maintenance and Engineering Measurement (cultivation and sprayer application) by Wahyunanto, STP. M.Eng. (dse/translated)

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