1st International Conference of Innovative Biofrontiers Students (ICIBS) 2024: Pioneering the Future for Sustainable Agricultural Development

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August 15, 2024

1st International Conference of Innovative Biofrontiers Students (ICIBS) 2024: Pioneering the Future for Sustainable Agricultural Development

Malang, 20 August 2024 – The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, is proud to announce the 1st International Conference of Innovative Biofrontiers Students (ICIBS) 2024, an event specifically designed to bring together innovative students from around the world who are passionate about advancing agricultural technology.

With the grand theme “Pioneering The Future: Innovations in Biofrontiers for Sustainable Development”, ICIBS 2024 underscores the critical role of innovative research and technology in addressing global agricultural challenges and promoting sustainability. The conference will explore a diverse range of subthemes, including environmental innovation for waste management, bioenergy and clean fuel production, sustainable agroindustry and green production, agroindustrial system management and regulation, artificial intelligence for agroindustry, bioinformatics for agricultural development, food innovations and sensory sciences, agricultural and bioprocess engineering, and the bioeconomy in agroindustry.

ICIBS 2024 will feature a series of engaging events designed to inspire and involve participants. Renowned experts in their respective fields will serve as keynote speakers, sharing their insights and experiences while providing valuable perspectives on the latest trends and future directions in agricultural technology. Panel discussions will offer a dynamic forum for participants to debate key issues, exchange ideas, and explore collaborative opportunities.

One of the highlights of ICIBS is the opportunity for students to publish their research articles in the conference proceedings. This not only provides a platform for sharing their work with a wider audience but also contributes to their professional development by enhancing their academic profiles. Selected articles will undergo a rigorous review process to ensure high standards of quality and relevance, reflecting the conference’s commitment to excellence in research and innovation.

In conclusion, ICIBS is more than just a conference; it is a gathering of bright minds dedicated to advancing the frontiers of agricultural technology. The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, is honored to host this significant event and looks forward to the groundbreaking contributions that will emerge from this vibrant community of young researchers.

For more information, please visit the official ICIBS website at https://icibs.ub.ac.id.

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