Laboratory of Computing and Agroindustrial Systems

Laboratory of Computing and Agroindustrial Systems

A. General Description

Laboratory of Computing and Agroindustrial Systems or what is often abbreviated as Lab. KSA is one of the laboratories under the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Labs. KSA is an educational laboratory as well as research in the scope of computing science and agro-industrial systems engineering.
Vision and Mission of the Lab. KSA are:

Vision :

To become a qualified and trusted laboratory and able to contribute to the development of computing science and systems engineering in an effort to improve planning and agro-industry development capabilities

Mission :

  • Organizing lecture support activities to improve student competence, both in the form of practicum and training in field of computing applications and systems engineering for agro-industry
  • Organizing supporting activities for the implementation of research by lecturers and students in the field of computing and agro-industrial systems engineering
  • Develop cooperation and dissemination of research results in the field of computing and agro-industrial systems engineering

The scientific scope of the Lab. KSA can be described in two scientific areas, namely computing and systems engineering which is applied to the field of agro-industry. Computing refers to the study of science on the preparation of mathematical models and numerical solutions as well as the use of computers to analyze and solve various problems, especially in this case agro-industrial problems. While systems engineering is the study of how to develop concepts, methods, approaches, and tools to analyze, design and evaluate complex systems, including agro-industrial systems.

B. Functions and Roles

In accordance with the Regulation of the Chancellor of the University of Brawijaya Number 24 of 2022 above, Lab. KSA serves as a tool to support the implementation of education within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. More specifically, the Lab. KSA are:

  • Organizers and administrators for practical courses within the scope of computing science and systems engineering.
  • Implementing support for research activities, service and or training in the field of computing and systems engineering, whether it is activities carried out by lecturers, students, or other institutions.

While the main role of Lab. KSA are:

  • Contribute to increasing student competence, especially in mastering computers both at the basic level (general: operating systems, office applications) or advanced level (specifically: programming, system simulation, system optimization).
  • Contribute to providing hardware and software that can be accessed or used by the academic community at Universitas Brawijaya in supporting teaching and learning activities, research and service activities.

C. Facilities

a. Hardware :
i. 1 Server + accessories
ii. 15 Set Desktop PC with latest Intel Core i7 Gen 8
iii. 1 3D Printer
iv. 1 pen drawing
v. 2 Projectors

b. Software :
i. Ubuntu OS for Server
ii. Ubuntu OS for Desktop PC
iii. Microsoft Windows
iv. Micro
v. Python Programming Language
vi. R Programming Language
vii. HTML, PHP (Programming Language)
viii. AutoCad (student version)
ix. SPSS (student version)
x. Jamovi Statistics Software
xi. AnyLogic Simulation Software
xii. Blender 3D

D. Other Data and Information

In general, the following is data and brief information about the Laboratory of Computing and Agroindustry Systems.

Name : Laboratory of Computing and Agroindustry Systems (Laboratory of Agroindustrial System and Computation)
Address : Jl. Veterans of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Building D 2nd Floor
Phone : 085649804706
Email :
Chairman : Aunur R. Mulyarto, STP. MSc.
Treasurer : Wendra Gandhatyasri Rohmah, STP, MP
Laboratory Assistant : Rochmat Hidayat, A.Md
Member :
Ir. Usman Effendi, MS
Dr. Retno Astuti, STP, MT
Mas’ud Effendi, STP, MP
Arif Hidayat, STP, M.AIT, Ph.D
Miftakhurrizal Kurniawan, ST, MT
Azimmatul Ihwah, S.Pd, M.Sc
Danang Triagus Setiyawan, ST, MT
Muhammad Arif Kamal, STP, M.Si

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