The Educational Laboratory

The Educational Laboratory


The Educational Laboratory is a unit under Faculty of Agircultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya (FAT UB). This laboratory was initiated in 2012 and was officially established in 2016 in accordance with the Rector’s Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya Number 20 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures. Initially, the Education Laboratory facilitated students who carried out basic practicum in the fields of biology, chemistry, and physics.

Functions and Roles

The existence of the Educational Laboratory is expected to facilitate students to be able in technical knowledge and specific skills of basic fields of biology, chemistry, and physics. The focus of the Educational Laboratory is to accommodate basic practicum activities in all Departments under FTP UB. However, this laboratory can also be developed to support all practicum activities and research of undergraduate to doctoral program students under FTP UB.


To become a superior Educational Laboratory to support the development of science and skills in the field of Agricultural Technology.


  1. Organizing a professional practicum for all students of FAT UB
  2. Providing facilities and infrastructure to carry out practicum activities and supporting research in the field of Agricultural Technology
  3. Serving the needs of facilities and infrastructure to support practicum and research activities.


  1. Improving student competence through practicum activities
  2. Providing adequate facilities and infrastructure for the implementation of practicum and research activities
  3. Providing excellent service to all users including practicum and research.

Laboratory Equipment and Facilities

  • The Educational Laboratory in the fields of biology has autoclave, colony counter, DO meter, dry sterilizer, hot plate stirrer, incubator, electrical stove, oven, laminar air flow (LAF), micropipette, light microscope, digital microscope, arm balance, analytical balance, pupil cam, pH meter, shaker waterbath, spectrophotometer visible, turbidimeter, and vortex.
  • The Educational Laboratory in the fields of chemistry has protein distillation, digestion unit, water distillation, hand refractometer, heating mantle, hot plate stirrer, electric stove, fume hood, micropipette, arm balance, analytical balance, electrical oven, pH meter, shaker, spectrophotometer UV Vis, cold centrifuge, vacuum pump, and vortex.
  • The Educational Laboratory in the fields of physics has multimeter analog, multimeter digital, digital instrument radiation tester, illuminance meter, universal AC/DC adapter, test board, thermocouple, digital thermocouple, osciloscope, hot plate stirrer, arm balance, pH meter, analytical balance, digital balance, calipers, refractometer ABBE, midi logger, digital osciloscope, precision multimeter, vibro viscometer, digital multimeter, optic toolkit, mechanical toolkit, hydrostatic and thermal toolkit, electric and magnetic toolkit, waves and thermodynamics toolkit, refractometer toolkit, basic meter, and UPS.

For further information, you can visit the Educational Laboratory website

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