Studying Institutional Governance, SWCU FKIK Visits FTP UB

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Studying Institutional Governance, SWCU FKIK Visits FTP UB

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Satya Wacana Christian University (FKIK-UKSW) visited the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) Universitas Brawijaya, Wednesday (06/03/2024) in the FTP Meeting Room, 7th floor. Led by the Dean, Ir. Ferry F. Karwur, M.Sc., Ph.D, the visit of the UKSW FKIK community was carried out in the context of efforts to improve the quality of graduates, lecturers and curriculum in accordance with the Main Performance Indicators (IKU).

In his speech, the Dean of FTP UB, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life Sc. Ph.D., explained that currently FTP is the largest patent winner in UB with an achievement of up to 1000%. Apart from that, FTP is also the faculty that produces the most professors throughout 2023 at UB. Apart from being the faculty with the most international accreditation, FTP is also the first faculty to achieve the Integrity Zone designation. After previously succeeding in achieving WBK, currently FTP is building a Clean Serving Bureaucratic Regional Integrity Zone (WBBM). Another FTP achievement is that it is the first faculty in UB to have a Center of Excellence (CoE). Currently, FTP has 3 CoEs, namely Tuber and Rhizome CoE, Biorefinery and Bioenergy CoE and BioArtificial Intelligence (BIO-AI) CoE.

The Dean of FKIK-UKSW, Ir. Ferry F. Karwur, M.Sc., Ph.D, explained that the purpose of this visit was a comparative study on the management of institutions as faculties and study programs in responding to external demands and stakeholders, especially in improving the quality of graduates, human resources and design. curriculum. (dse)

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