FTP freshmen contributed thousands of SDG ideas as a solution to Global problems.

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FTP freshmen contributed thousands of SDG ideas as a solution to Global problems.

Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya deserves to be famous as a trendsetter faculty where achievements are always at the forefront of providing innovation. In the series of environmental friendly alma mater Tour (Rajawali) Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) in 2024 as one of the new student campus life introduction activities (PK2MB) held in Samantha Krida UB building, Thursday (15/08/2024), FTP UB introduced the theme of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a solution to global problems for its new students.

This is in line with the advice of the Dean, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP.M.App.Life. Sc. Ph.D who advised new students to never give up, continue to innovate and use the four years of college to form a responsible, disciplined and hard-working life attitude.

”Welcome to FTP, Faculty of achievement, Faculty of Agricultural Technology.  Don’t ever give up , don’t waste four years here. Discipline and hard work must be fostered from an early age because that is what will shape the attitude to life and achieve success. And the faculty is very ready to facilitate,” said The Dean in front of 1018 new students of FTP UB class 2024.

The real proof of this Pkkmb Eagle innovation is the assignment of new students who produce 1018 ideas in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Economic Development Goals in the SDGs in the form of mind mapping and instagram video presentations.

Inez, one of the freshmen who is also an alumnus of SMAN 1 Malang stated, ” this assignment is interesting. We, the freshmen, were asked to make a topic from one of the SDGs. I happened to be able to remove the topic of poverty, one of which is due to the large number of unemployed. Well there I try to offer integrated employment solutions in agriculture and fisheries to animal husbandry. This makes me have an objective point of view in looking at poverty,“ he concluded.

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