FAT’s organizational governance is based on the organizational framework outlined above, with 5 implementing elements listed below:

Elements of Faculty Leadership
Faculty Senate
Academic Implementing Elements
Administrative Implementing Elements
Head of the General and State Property Subsectio
Head of the Student Subsection
Elements of Faculty Leadership

A. Elements of Faculty Leadership

FAT’s leadership is comprised of a Dean who is assisted by 3 Vice Deans (VD), notably VD I in Academic Affairs, VD II in General Administration and VD III in Student Affairs. The 2011–2015 Deans were appointed by the Chancellor with decisions No. 050/SK/2011, No.251/SK/2011, No.252/SK/2011 and No.253/SK/2011. Duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Dean are regulated in Article 30 of the 2002 UB Statute in conjunction with the 1995 OTK Revision Articles 13 and 14 in conjunction with Articles 46, 47 and 48 of PP No. 60/1999.

The Dean is the faculty’s head and the main person in charge. The Chancellor appoints and dismisses the Dean and Vice Dean with the consideration of the Faculty Senate. The term of office of the Dean and Vice Dean is 4 (four) years, and can be reappointed with the condition that they cannot be used for more than two consecutive terms. Each Dean Officer’s primary responsibilities and functions are as follows:

The dean has the following duties:

a. Arrange and implement the Strategic Plan that is to be achieved in his/her term of office;

b. Prepare the Faculty’s Annual Work Program and Budget;

c. Carry out the development of higher education according to its competence;

d. Coordinate and monitor educational activities;

e. Coordinate and monitor research for the development of science, technology and or art;

f. Coordinate and monitor community service activities;

g. Carry out cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service with other parties at Indonesia and abroad;

h. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of cooperation with other parties;

i. Propose the award of an honorary doctorate for someone who meets the requirements in accordance with applicable regulations after receiving approval from the Faculty Senate;

j. Carry out the development of the academia civitas;

k. Carry out administrative affairs;

l. Prepare and submit an Annual Report to the Chancellor after being assessed by the Faculty Senate.

Vice Dean I (Academic Affairs) Vice Dean I of Academic Affairs is responsible for the following duties:

a. Plan, implement, develop, and evaluate education, research, and community service;

b. Fostering Lecturers in the academic field;

c. Examine the opening of new study programs in various educational strata;

d. Conduct an inventory of educational, research, and community service activities;

e. Monitoring and evaluating the learning process for every semester;

f. Monitoring and evaluating the new student admission system;

g. Controlling the standardization of academic and professional education quality standards;

h. Organizing data management in the field of academic administration;

i. Perform functional coordination with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs;

j. Prepare and submit the Annual Report to the Dean.

Vice Dean II (General Administration Affairs) Vice Dean II of General Administration Affairs is responsible for the following duties:

a. Planning and managing the Faculty’s revenue and expenditure budget;

b. Conduct career and welfare development of Lecturers, Academic Support Staff, and Administrative Staff;

c. Taking care of the administration, housekeeping, order and security of the Faculty;

d. Organizing community relations;

e. Organizing data management in the field of general administration;

f. Monitor and evaluate the performance of Lecturers, Academic Support Staff, and Administrative Staff;

g. Coordinate the preparation of the Proposed Activity List, the Project List, and the Activity List for each work unit;

h. Coordinate the results of the Performance Reports of Government Agencies in the Faculty;

i. Perform functional coordination with the Vice Chancellor for General Administration;

j. Prepare and submit the Annual Report to the Dean.

Vice Dean III (Student Affairs) Vice Dean II of Student Affairs is responsible for the following duties:

a. Plan, implement, develop, and evaluate student activities;

b. Conducting student welfare development;

c. Carry out efforts to increase and develop the interests, talents, and reasoning of students;

d. Coordinate with the UB’s Alumni Association Commissariat Management;

e. Perform functional coordination with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs;

f. Prepare and submit the Annual Report to the Dean.

Faculty Senate

B. Faculty Senate

The faculty senate is the highest normative body in the faculty. In accordance with the 2002 UB Statute (article 31), article 15 of the 1995 OTK revision and article 49 of PP no. 60/1999, the Faculty Senate consists of Professors, Faculty Leaders (Deans and VDs), Heads of Departments and lecturers who are elected to represent the departments. The Faculty Senate is led by a Chair who is ex officio held by the Dean. The main tasks of the Faculty Senate have been regulated in the 2002 UB Statutes and the 1995 OTK Revision. The FAT Senate has 20 members (Decree No. 004/SK/2008), including the Chair. In carrying out their duties, the Senate of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology forms committees consisting of members of the senate (Decree No. 34/SKFTP/2010). The procedure for making decisions in the senate meeting is regulated in the rules of the senate meeting. The Faculty Senate is appointed and dismissed by the Chancellor at the suggestion of the Dean as Chair of the Senate. The Faculty Senate has the following main duties:

a. Formulating academic policies, educational quality standards, and faculty development;

b. Formulate policies for assessing academic achievement and the skills and personality of lecturers;

c. Formulate norms, ethics, and benchmarks for the implementation of the faculty;

d. Assess the accountability and implementation of programs and budgets that have been determined by the Dean;

e. To give consideration to the Chancellor regarding the candidates proposed to be appointed as Deans, Vice Deans, Heads and Secretary of Departments;

f. Formulate a policy on the assessment of academic achievement, skills and personality of the academia civitas at the faculty level;

g. Give consideration to the proposal for awarding an honorary doctorate degree for someone who meets the requirements in accordance with applicable regulations;

h. Provide consideration and approval of the University’s revenue and expenditure budget plan submitted by the Dean;

i. Assess the accountability and implementation of policies that have been carried out by the Dean;

j. Giving consideration to lecturers who are proposed to occupy higher academic functional positions;

k. Giving consideration to Lecturers who are proposed to occupy the functional positions of professors;

l. Propose the award of an honorary doctorate;

m. Validate the details of tasks and work organization at the faculty level.

Academic Implementing Elements

C. Elements of Academic Implementation

The academic implementing elements at FAT consist of the Department, Study Program and Laboratory.


The Department is an academic administrative management unit that provides academic education in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The department is led by a chairman and is accompanied by a secretary, who is appointed and dismissed by the chancellor at the suggestion of the dean and is directly responsible to the dean. The head of the department coordinates all related study programs to ensure quality standards of education and extensions, as well as other forms deemed necessary to be regulated through the Chancellor’s Decree. In carrying out the duties, the Head of the Department is assisted by a Secretary of the Department. Aside from coordinating the heads of the laboratory, the Head of Department also has the responsibility to monitor and directly evaluate the performance of the lecturers. The Faculty of Agricultural Technology consists of 3 Departments, namely Agricultural Product Technology (APT), Agricultural Engineering (EP) and Agro-Industrial Technology (AIT).

Study Program

The study program is the organizer of higher education programs organized on the basis of a curriculum. Postgraduate Study Programs that are cross-departmental can be organized under the faculties that have/use the most resources. FAT has three master’s degree courses (FST, AE and AIT SP) and two master’s degree courses (Master Program of APT and AIT Study Program).


The laboratory (Lab.) is a place for the academia civitas to develop knowledge through research and practical learning. The laboratory is led by a head of the laboratory/studio who is appointed on the basis of competence in his/her field of science and his ability to develop science. The task of a laboratory head is to manage the laboratory, coordinate and lead the development of science in a particular field of study through research activities. The laboratory consists of a group of lecturers. In one laboratory more than one group of lecturers can be formed. The laboratory is supported by academic support staff consisting of researchers, technicians, laboratory assistants, and administrative staff.

Administrative Implementing Elements

D. Elements of Administrative Implementation

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology is supported by administrative implementing elements to assist in the implementation continuity of the duties of Faculty and Department Leaders. The administrative implementing element is led by the Head of the Administrative Section (HAS) which in its operations supervises four Heads of Subsections (Heads of Subsections) including the Head of the Academic Subsection, the Head of the Finance and Staff Subsection, the Head of the General and State Property Subsection and the Head of the Student Affairs Subsection. In addition, HAS is also in charge of coordinating the administrative staff and other employees in each department or study program. Archiving and drafting important documents, such as Decrees (SK), control of Financial Accountability Letters (SPJ) and administrative circulation lines, both that come in and out from and to each faculty leader are carried out under the responsibility of KTU.

1. Head of Administration

The duties and responsibilities of the Head of Administration are as follows:

a. Together with the head of the faculty, prepare plans and work programs for the Section and prepare for the arrangement of plans and work programs for the Faculty;

b. Coordinate the Head of Subsection in carrying out their duties so that good cooperation is established;

c. Supervise the implementation of the tasks of the Head of Subsection so that the results accomplished are in accordance with the targets that have been set;

d. Assessing the work performance of the Head of Subsection within the Administrative Section as a material for coaching and career development;

e. Collect and review laws and regulations in the fields of administration, academics and student affairs;

f. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of administrative activities within the Faculty;

g. Carry out other tasks assigned by superiors.

2. Head of the Education Subsection
The duties and responsibilities of the Head of the Education Subsection are as follows:

a. Together with the head of the faculty, prepare plans and work programs for the Subsection and prepare for the arrangement of plans and work programs for the Divisions;

b. Dividing tasks and giving instructions to subordinates for the well implementation of tasks;

c. Assessing the work performance of subordinates as a material for coaching and career development;

d. Collecting and reviewing legislation in the academic field;

e. Prepare academic calendar concepts based on data and information as an input for superiors;

f. Coordinate the preparation of lecture schedules, lab practice and the implementation of exams;

g. Coordinate lecture administration (Study Result Card, Study Plan Card, Study Change Plan Card and evaluation of learning outcomes), lab practice and implementation of exams;

h. Collecting and classifying data on target achievement, curriculum, student learning achievement, educational and teaching activities as material for formulating leadership policies;

i. Performing the administration of academic diplomas and transcripts;

j. Report the implementation of tasks to superiors as accountability;

k. Carry out other tasks assigned by superiors.

3. Head of the Finance and Staff Subsection
The duties and responsibilities of the Head of Finance and Staff Subsection are as follows:

a. Together with the head of the faculty, prepare plans and work programs for the Subsection and prepare for the arrangement of plans and work programs for the Sections;

b. Dividing tasks and giving instructions to subordinates for a well implementation of tasks;

c. Assessing the work performance of subordinates as a material for coaching and career development;

d. Collecting and reviewing laws and regulations in the field of finance and staff;

e. Perform receipts, storage, issuance, verification and financial accountability;

f. Paying salaries, official bond allowances, overtime, vacations, business trips, wholesale work and purchases;

g. Prepare materials for drafting a routine payment plan and construction;

h. Prepare materials for drafting plans for employee needs (employee formation), employee mutation such as promotions, delegation of employees, placements, transfers, pensions according to data and information for further processing;

i. Develop employee development concepts such as pre-service training, service examinations, courses, training and others;

j. Carry out affairs related to leave and employee welfare services, such as compensation for death, incentives, overtime, and others;

k. Prepare proposals for awarding employees, such as Satyalancana Karya Satya, Model Employee/Lecturer;

l. Report the implementation of tasks to superiors as accountability;

m. Carry out other tasks assigned by superiors.

Head of the General and State Property Subsectio

The duties and responsibilities of the Head of the General and State Property Subsection are as follows:

a. Together with the head of the faculty, prepare plans and work programs for the Subsection and prepare for the arrangement of plans and work programs for the Sections;

b. Dividing tasks and giving instructions to subordinates for a well implementation of tasks;

c. Assessing the work performance of subordinates as a material for coaching and career development;

d. Prepare the Annual Final Report and Government Agency Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP);

e. Collecting laws and regulations in the field of administration, housekeeping, and equipment;

f. Monitor correspondence, typing, procurement of expeditions and archives within the faculty;

g. Monitor the maintenance, cleanliness, beauty, and safety of the faculty;

h. Prepare for the reception of leadership guests and leadership meetings;

i. Develop plans and manage the needs and procurement of equipment;

j. Report the implementation of tasks to superiors as accountability;

k. Carry out other tasks assigned by superiors.

Head of the Student Subsection

The duties and responsibilities of the Head of the Student Affairs Subsection are as follows:

a. Together with the head of the faculty, prepare plans and work programs for the Subsection and prepare for the arrangement of plans and work programs for the Divisions;

b. Dividing tasks and giving instructions to subordinates for a well implementation of tasks;

c. Assessing the work performance of subordinates as a material for coaching and career development;

d. Coordinate all student institution activities in the fields of student welfare, reasoning, talents, interests, Student Creativity Program, and alumni relations;

e. Coordinate all administrative activities of the Student Affairs Subsection;

f. Make a financial accountability report for student affairs;

g. Coordinate and make accountability activities for Student Orientation (ORMAWA), Most Outstanding Student Community Service Program, and faculty graduation;

h. Make SOP for student affairs;

i. Report the implementation of duties to superiors as accountability;

j. Carry out other tasks assigned by superiors.

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