(Indonesian) Comic Siap Hadapi AFTA

Announcement of New Student Admissions Strip SAP (Transfer Program) Odd Semester Period 2015-2016
May 11, 2015
Biofrond with Pretreatment Mechanic Nano Chemical Methode
May 13, 2015

(Indonesian) Comic Siap Hadapi AFTA

1430886300303Malang city is known as education city with quite situation, friendly society, and appropriate to take education here. Economic activity in Malang city is extremely high especially in commerce. Ketawanggede is one of political district administrations placed in Lowokwaru sub-district, Malang city. People here generally have business in house rent for student of college who study in Malang, then the over population in this area tend to high and food needs was decreased while mount of society also decrease.  It caused many productive lands functioned as residence, shop, even household industry. There is efforts to be done to keep the availableness of food in these areas like become a producer of food material such as fish and vegetable. However the problem which is faced by society now is the less initiative of business making caused by land and human resources limitation. To help that problem, it can be solved by give knowledge about dissemination of effectively technology. One of the helps of effectively technology is aqua-phonic system. The purpose and target which want to be reached is to implement the effectively technology by organic vegetable and catfish in field by appropriate method to the people in Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru sub-district, Malang City then they be able to compete facing AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area).Used method for this program through education phase started with introducing the base effectively technology, giving material related to aqua-phonic system, simulation activity in the field, the application phase of aqua-phonic system till monitoring and evaluation process. The location of this community service took place in around of Jalan KertoharjoDalam RT/RW:02/04, Ketawanggede. People here do not apply effectively technology in organic vegetable and human resource of its process.

Began from that problem, made those five students of Environmental Engineering (TL) of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, they are Miftakhul Ikhsan (TL 2012), Agustin Wahita Putri (TL 2012), Muhammad Isnu (TL 2013) and Nadia Nur Anisa (TL 2013) innovated COMIC (COMMUNITY OF AQUAPONIC) Dissemination of Effectively Technology by Cultivation of Fish and Vegetable through Student Creativity Program of Community Service (PKM-M) under supervising of Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., Ph.D. Target which is wanted to be reached is become project sample for people around, improving knowledge and science for people around, exploiting field become productive land, create Little and Medium Micro Enterprises (LME) of organic vegetable and catfish also exercising the entrepreneur soul for people around.

Mifatkhul Ikhsan, the leader of team explained, “Community Service Program which is offered is in form of training that is conducted in order to improve skill of society in making design of aqua-phonic system tool then they can self-confident in applied effectively technology. Currently we conducted socialization every day on Sunday started from last beginning of March. In the last people meeting on Sunday (10/05/2015) it was proved the decrease of enthusiastic people around. Even now we will have second harvest for organic vegetable. It is also the proof that Science and Technology guidance we have done as continuously effort in improving organic vegetable and aqua-phonic catfish cultivation can decrease income and prosperity of people around,” He said. (dse/ Translated by Ratri)

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