
Thursday June 23rd, 2022

FAT UB Scholarship For Student from Abroad

Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya (FAT UB) Scholarship   The scholarships are offered by FAT UB to outstanding students from abroad to complete a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral’s program at Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya.   Eligibility: International students who hold high school, bachelor’s or master’s degrees from universities abroad applying for admission to our graduate programs as full-time students.   Application requirements: Bachelor Degree Program Maximum age is 20 years old. Posses a high school degree (please […]
Thursday June 2nd, 2022

The Even Semester Final Semester 2021/2022

The Even Semester Final Semester 2021/2022 schedule can be seen here.
Wednesday May 25th, 2022

(Indonesian) Jadwal Kuliah Semester Antara Tahun Akademik 2021/2022

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Wednesday May 25th, 2022

(Indonesian) Pengumuman Semester Antara

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Thursday April 14th, 2022

(Indonesian) Pengumuman Perkuliahan Setelah Lebaran

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Monday March 28th, 2022

(Indonesian) FTP UB Raih Zona Integritas Kemendikbud RI 2022

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Tuesday January 25th, 2022

Even Semester 2021/2022 Schedule

Jadwal Publish TEP Jadwal Publish TIP Jadwal Publish THP
Monday January 10th, 2022

(Indonesian) Pengumuman Perkuliahan Hybrid

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