Mas'ud Effendi

Saturday July 29th, 2023

(Indonesian) Dosen UB Sosialisasikan Pupuk Organik dan Dukung Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Bahan Hayati di AA Farm Pasuruan

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Saturday July 30th, 2022

Announcement Of Basic Competency Test Results

Announcement of Basic Competency Test (TKD)results Acceptance Of Individual Professional Services Contract Personnel Faculty Of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya Year 2022 Based on the results of the basic competence test (TKD), the selection of candidates for individual professional service contracts of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya in 2022 which was held on 27 s.d July 29, 2022, we hereby convey that participants who pass the basic competence test (TKD) will participate in the next stage of selection, namely […]
Tuesday July 26th, 2022

(Indonesian) Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Kualifikasi

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Thursday July 14th, 2022

(Indonesian) Penerimaan Tenaga Kontrak Jasa Profesional Perorangan

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Monday May 10th, 2021

(Indonesian) Pedoman Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 2021/2022

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Tuesday January 19th, 2021

(Indonesian) Kuliah Tamu Halal Regulation dan Halal Assurance System (HAS) di Indonesia

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Wednesday May 20th, 2020

Lomba Cipta Mars dan Hymne FTP UB

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) menyelenggarakan lomba cipta lagu Mars dan Hymne FTP UB. Ketentuan Lagu: Lagu yang diperlombakan adalah Mars dan Hymne Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Lirik lagu harus selaras dengan Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan FTP UB Lirik lagu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Ketentuan Umum : Peserta bebas, dapat diikuti secara perorangan maupun kelompok. Karya harus original (asli/bukan jiplakan), belum pernah diedarkan dan tidak sedang terikat kontrak dengan pihak manapun serta tidak pernah […]
Tuesday January 7th, 2020

FTP Students Win Champion in HI-BIG 2019

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology is indeed a Place of Achievement. This time a proud achievement came from the Agricultural Industry Technology Student. They are Doni Meiliyadi (TIP 2017), Muhammad Faisal Amru (TIP 2017), Alif Muhammad Amhar (TIP 2018), Winda Paramita (TIP 2017) and Laras Putri (TIP 2017). They won 1st and 2nd place in the Bussiness Idea Challenge HIMATITAN (HI-BIG) 2019 Competition. Doni is the team leader of two different teams and won 1st and 2nd place in the […]
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