Biofrond with Pretreatment Mechanic Nano Chemical Methode

(Indonesian) Comic Siap Hadapi AFTA
May 12, 2015
Students of TEP Juggle the Cassava Peel to Bioethanol
May 15, 2015

Biofrond with Pretreatment Mechanic Nano Chemical Methode

PUBLIKASIThe available of fossil energy in various parts of world was expected will be lost in 25 years in the future, then currently alternative resource substitute for fossil energy is developed. One of Potentially alternative energy to be developed is Bio-ethanol. However during this time bio-ethanol made from starch, then it competes with food materials. In fact there is non-food material namely bio-mass which contained lignocellulose which is can use as material of bio-ethanol making. This thing actuated four students of Faculty of Agricultural Technology; Luristya Nur Mahfut (TIP 2013), Nada Mawarda Rilek (TIP 2013), Ameiga Cautsarina Putri Atrinto (TIP 2013) and Mujaroh Khotimah (TEP 2013) to participate developed the making of make bio-ethanol from non-food materials.

Non-food materials which is chosen by them was palm leaves as one of palm estates with high cellulose content 30 to 33% and not used till current. In fact, from the availableness potential, Indonesia is country which has estate with the wide reaches 8.9 million hectares also be able to produces palm leaves waste with the mount 300.375.000 tons per year. However they realize that the making of lignocellulose bio-ethanol needs long process and there is a beginning treatment process as the success key in produce best quality bio-ethanol namely pre-treatment process. Thus, for the first step through Student Creativity Program of Research (PKM-P) under supervising of Yusron Sugiarto STP., MP., MSc. The team which named itself with BIOFROND conducted the innovation of pre-treatment process using Mechanical-Nano-Chemical method.

The method used the combination of chemical material and mechanical energy which used nano-technology in form of sonication to break lignocellulose bond. Then it can produce high cellulose for bio-ethanol material. From research they done, by this Mechanic-Nano-Chemical method be able to improve cellulose reached more less 90%. Then this palm leaves material became more potential to be the raw material of good quality bio-ethanol and high sucrose content of sugar cane crop. (dse/ Translated by Ratri)


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