Pilot Plant

Pilot Plant Facility

Pilot Plant facility administered by Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya has a complete flour processing equipment (such as: tuber washing machine, tuber slicer machine, dryer, ball mill and centrifugal grinder). The pilot plant is used as a laboratory for large-scale trials in processing porang tubers into flour. The development of glucomannan extraction methods from porang tuber and the development of derivative products from porang flour is still being carried out in this laboratory.



Jl. Batal Desa Kepuharjo, Karangploso, Malang 65152
Location Map

Contact Person :

Ms Indri Alidha: 0822-3287-2139
Website : www.pilotplant.tp.ub.ac.id
Email : Pilotplant@ub.ac.id

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