Cool, Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara graduated the fastest doctor as well as the highest GPA of S3 TIP FTP UB

(Indonesian) FTP UB Meriahkan Event SILATNAS III 2024
June 11, 2024
PT. Bina Karya Prima initiates cooperation with FTP UB
June 15, 2024

Cool, Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara graduated the fastest doctor as well as the highest GPA of S3 TIP FTP UB

Studying at S3 or doctoral level is usually known to be more difficult than at S1 or S2 level. So difficult that there is an idiom “hard in, hard out” to describe how S3 is a very difficult level of Education.  But this idiom was successfully broken by Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara, one of the students of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Doctoral Program Universitas Brawijaya class of 2021 who managed to complete his S3 in just 2 years and 10 months. Amazingly, in addition to being the fastest graduate Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara also managed to achieve an almost perfect GPA thanks to the achievement of the highest cumulative grade point (GPA) of 3.98 so that it is entitled to the title of graduating with honors.

Carrying a dissertation entitled “Computer Vision Design based on reflectance and fluorescence images using Machine Learning as an aflatoxin detector in cocoa beans, Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara successfully published his research in 3 reputable international scientific journals (Scopus), namely the International Journal of Agriculture & Biology (Q3), Journal of Robotics and Control (Q3) and Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences (Q4) under the guidance of the promoter team Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan STP., M.App.Life Sc., Ph.D (promoter), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA (co-promoter I) and Prof. Dr. Sucipto, S.TP, MP (co-promoter II).

Syukri admitted that this achievement could not be separated from the support and direction of the promoter team to be productive and effective efficiently.

“I am very grateful to the promoter team, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, Prof. Bambang Dwi Argo and Prof. Sucipto for the intensive and inspiring guidance process that helped me in writing an acceptable publication and has been published in 3 reputable international journals (Scopus). God willing, the spirit of writing paper can be continued and improved after returning to the institution of origin. I would also like to thank Dr. Agrc.Sc Dimas Firmanda from FTP UB Biosystems Engineering for the permission to use image acquisition tools that are very helpful in completing my studies. The atmosphere and lecture system and guidance of doctoral program in FTP are very effective and efficient. The role of the promoter team, study program, prayer and family support is the key to completing my studies,” he explained.

Furthermore, the man who is also an awardee of Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) kemendikbudristek also expressed his gratitude to the dean of FTP UB and its promoter, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life.Sc. Ph.D, head of doctoral program TIP, Prof. Irnia Nurika and the entire administrative staff of the TIP doctoral study program who facilitated during doctoral studies.

“The guidelines and stages of completion of doctoral studies that have been prepared by the Study Program and faculty are one of my motivations to complete the target in each semester so that alhamdulillah I can complete my studies on time, hopefully the doctoral program of TIP and FTP UB will be more successful in the future”. finally.

The dean of FTP who is also a promoter responded, “ Alhamdulillah congratulations. Hopefully it can be an inspiration to other friends. Do not be afraid of further study, InshaAllah in FTP UB, we are ready to support as wide as possible. This is proof that, in addition to the fastest graduates , his GPA was the highest. The God of tabarakallahu ‘ alaihi wa sallam. I’m proud. Hopefully it can be a motivation for everything,” he explained.

On the same occasion,Muhammad Syukri Sadimantara, who serves as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University (UHO), Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, also explained that the computer vision model he had designed was able to detect aflatoxin contaminated cocoa beans with high accuracy in the acquisition of fluorescence versus reflectance.  Thus, this opens up further research opportunities by paying attention to its implementation in the cocoa industry/actors in the cocoa trade supply chain so as to reduce losses on trade and improve food security, especially in cocoa commodities. (dse)

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