(Indonesian) Mahasiswa FTP Buat dan Pasarkan Helm Lipat Berpendingin Pertama di Dunia

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(Indonesian) Mahasiswa FTP Buat dan Pasarkan Helm Lipat Berpendingin Pertama di Dunia

X-FLEM HELMVehicle is one of transportation medium that is widely used as supporting daily work, especially motorcycles. Based on data from the Head of the State Police Traffic Corps in 2014, states that the increase in the number of users of vehicles in Indonesia rose 11 percent from the previous year with the largest contribution coming from the motorcycle by the number of 86.253 million units throughout Indonesia. Related to this, many problems faced by owners of motorcycle such as the frequent occurrence frequent of loss of helmets cases when the vehicle is parked in the out place. Besides, volume and mass helmet relatively large / heavy making it impractical to carry. In some cases also encountered itching from sweat when wearing a helmet on a long term. This is another problem for motorists. The solution that had been applied during this time is to entrust the care helmet, which unfortunately is not available in all parking spaces. Another solution that had been applied until now is the creation of a helmet with a high level of security using additional padlock, but high level security of helmet is still relatively expensive and relatively less practical. Thus it needs to be a solution that is able to overcome the problems of safety helmets. This is the fifth move the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology to create the first refrigerated folding helmets sold in the world under the name X-Flem (Extra Cool Folding Helmet).

Those five students are Dharma Sucipto (TIP 2012), Reinhartd Alexandro (TEP 2012), Imam Zaky (TEP 2012), Dwi Novanda Sari (TIP 2013) and Rofifah Yusadi (PWK 2013) under supervising by Yusron Sugiarto, STP., M.Sc. in Student Creativity Program of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) 2015. The innovation which is done on this sophisticated helmet is by minimized its size until decreased 40 percent than general helmet. Besides that, the team also used it as refrigerator to absorb heat from user’s head. Heat absorption using this gel reached 21 percent. The using of this refrigerated material in order to make the users more comfortable when they wear the helmet. Team also used fiber as main material until the material capable to decrease the helmet mass become lighter.


PictureThe leader of team, Dharma Sucipto explained, “We optimistic this helmet will be well received by society. Even it is not close the probability in the future it will be exported by us till abroad if possible. Because besides it is light, and completed by refrigerator, it also can be folded until it can enter a bag. How to fold it too easy, the user simply takes less than 10 seconds to fold it. So it is very concise and practical. Our folding instructions included in the sales package. We were optimistic about the market response because according to research we did, had never been there in the world who sell folding helmet. Just there is reached research step only. Our helmets this, not only can be folded but also refrigerated. So it is highly efficient and multi-functional. The price is relatively low with regular helmet. This helmet we market at a price180.000 Rupiahs only. Quite cheap right, even together with other usual helmet, ” He explained.

Currently X-Flem which is in the process to obtain patent and SNI are marketed under two types. The first type is equipped with air vents on the front and back of the helmet to increase the coolness of the user. While the second type without using the air vents. X-Flem multi-function folding helmet can be obtained bycontacting the Dharma (085 733 278 684). (dse/ Translated by Ratri)


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