Announcement of New Student Admissions Strip SAP (Transfer Program) Odd Semester Period 2015-2016

Nanda Shabrina Nurmalita and Muhammad Fikry Izza the Ambassarors of FTP 2015
May 10, 2015
(Indonesian) Comic Siap Hadapi AFTA
May 12, 2015

Announcement of New Student Admissions Strip SAP (Transfer Program) Odd Semester Period 2015-2016

In connection with the new admissions SAP Line (Transfer Program) on Odd Semester Academic Year 2015/2016 within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of Brawijaya University our open registration:
Start Date June 8, 2015 s / d July 28, 2015
Exam Write: August 3, 2015 Date
Requirements of registration:
1. Photocopy of diploma that legalized 1 (one) sheet
2. Copy of transcript that legalized 1 (one) sheet
3. Photo size of 4 x 6 by 4 (four)
4. The registration fee of 400.000 Rupiahs (payable through accounts RECTOR No. 0039649531)
And for those who are accepted as a student at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Brawijaya University lane SAP (Transfer Program) must pay all costs that have been defined and are not allowed to apply for relief or delay payment of the assigned costs.
Malang, May 11, 2015
Dean of FTP – UB
• Tuition fees and SPFP included in category two (can be viewed at the following link)
• The cost of others according to table

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