National level FTP achievement “1st Place at LKTI 2019 at the University of Bengkulu”

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National level FTP achievement “1st Place at LKTI 2019 at the University of Bengkulu”

Awarding Session

Saturday, April 27, 2019 FTP students re-incised champions at the National level. The three students namely Maulidia Hilaili, Usman Sihab, and Bakti Pertiwi won 1st place in the Scientific Writing Competition held by the University of Bengkulu Electrical Engineering Student Association. Not only did they get 1st place, they also won favorite champions for poster ratings. The student’s victory was obtained by their brilliant idea titled NABA T and BATITAW (Spinach Nugget Tempe, Sesame Sesame Sesame Biscuit). According to the Team Leader, Usman Sihab stated that the idea first emerged because of the increasing problem of malnutrition in Indonesia so that the innovation of NABA T products for fulfilling nutrition for pregnant women and BATITAW for mother’s milk complementary foods for toddlers to realize a decrease in stunting in Indonesia The competition was attended by 15 finalists, including those from the University of Bengkulu, Bogor Agricultural Institute, University of Education Ganesha, Brawijaya University, etc.

Poster of Brawijaya University Team

This innovation is expected not only to be a proposal for victory in the Scientific Writing Competition but will later be developed further to participate towards Indonesia Emas 2045. (ER) 

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