PT. Bina Karya Prima initiates cooperation with FTP UB

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PT. Bina Karya Prima initiates cooperation with FTP UB

PT. Bina Karya Prima visited the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya Thursday (13/06/2024). Received directly by the Dean, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life.Sc. Ph.D. in the FTP courtroom on the 7th floor, this visit was scheduled to initiate cooperation between the two parties. Jeffry Riadi as Corporate Secretary Senior General Manager of PT. Bina Karya Prima explained that her party views the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya as a large institution that is always full of innovation. It is expected that the synergy between the two, especially with CoE bioenergy and biorefineries owned by FTP UB can produce waste treatment technology that is more effective and efficient for the industry. It also hopes that this cooperation can result in product diversification and is especially beneficial for both parties. The Dean, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life.Sc. Ph.D who hopes that this cooperation can improve the achievement of Iku faculty, especially in the field of lecturers working and the number of innovation achievements implemented in the industry.

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