Socialization of SKM 2024

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Socialization of SKM 2024

Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya held socialization of Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) 2024, Thursday (20/06/2024) in FTP courtroom on the 7th floor. It was opened by the Vice Dean I of FTP for Academic Affairs, Endrika Widyastuti, SPt. MSc. MP. Ph.D. this activity was attended by all representatives of work units in FTP UB.

Resource person Darmanto, SSi as the head of complaint handling and Satisfaction Survey subdivision of Information and Public Relations Division (DIK) Universitas Brawijaya in his material explained that every ASN should be “moral” which means service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative. Therefore needed Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) as a form
cooperation between public service providers with the community in order to conduct performance appraisal
services, so that service providers can improve the quality of services. The purpose of SKM which is carried out with the principles of neutral, transparent, fair, accountable and sustainable is to determine the performance of services periodically, spur positive competition among service provider units and as a material for determining policies in improving services.

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