Wednesday July 10th, 2024

EXPO MMD FTP, 1 Village 1 Innovation Work

Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya held MMD Expo, Tuesday (09/07/2024) in Tulungagung Regency Hall. In his speech at the beginning of the event , the dean of FAT UB, Prof. Yusuf Hendrawan, STP. M.App.Life.Sc. Ph.D., explained that this activity is a real form of FAT commitment to produce appropriate technology that can be implemented directly to the community. “Now is not the time for science to be limited to theory on campus. But it must be implemented and have […]
Sunday July 7th, 2024

Release of MMD FAT 2024

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya released 828 students who will carry out the Student Program to build a village (MMD) at Langan Rectorate Universitas Brawijaya, Saturday (06/07/2024) at 06.30 WIB. Representing the Dean who was unable to attend, WD I FTP Academic Affairs, Endrika Widyastuti SPt., M.Sc., MP., Ph.D inflames the spirit for the students who will carry out MMD in Tulungagung Regency. “You are agents of change with great potential to contribute positively to society. This Program […]
Thursday March 7th, 2024

MMD FTP 2024

Registration Requirement Active FTP UB student Healthy both Physically and mentally Currently or have taken semester 4 with a minimum of 73 credits Willing to be placed at the MMD FTP UB location 2024 and Take part in all MMD FTP UB 2024 series Important Dates – Registration: March 7-10 2024 – Announcement of Participants: March 13 2024 – Debriefing: March 26 2024 – Proposal Seminar: 1 – 5 April 2024 – Preparation for Departure: June 2024 – Implementation of […]
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