Teknologi Pertanian

Monday February 27th, 2023

(Indonesian) Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Indonesia (STPI) 2023: Peluang untuk Berinteraksi dengan Profesional dan Praktisi di Bidang Teknologi Pertanian dan Agroindustri

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Sunday September 15th, 2019

ABC MFIs held an Enterprise Schooling “Go To The Extra Mile to Build The Spirit of Entrepreneur” event.

Sunday, September 8 2019 The Agritech Business Center Student Activities Institute has organized a series of work programs namely Enterprise Schooling. In this event they invited young entrepreneurs who were representatives of the Netizen Bakso owners namely Elinna Primadiani and Elvia Rahmawati. The event was attended by 30 participants consisting of FTP students in 2017. Enterprise Schooling located at the FTP UB Entrepreneurship Laboratory. The event started at 10:00 WIB which was started with the opening by the MC then […]
Wednesday August 21st, 2019

Pimba FTP UB: Prepare New Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology with Achievement

New Student Scientific Week or commonly known as PIMBA is one of the work programs of the ARSC (Agritech Researh and Study Center) Student Affairs Institute that has been held again. Pimba aims to train new FTP students in preparation for welcoming PIMNAS (National Scientific Week). PIMBA is a Faculty level New Student Creativity Program consisting of various fields including: 1. PKM PE (Exata Research) 2. PKM PSH (Sosial Humanities Research) 3. PKM K (Entrepreneurship) 4. PKM M (Community Service) […]
Tuesday August 6th, 2019

Rangkaian Acara ESP (English For Specific Purpose) Great Present 2019: Open Debating Competition

              English for Specific Purpose or commonly called ESP is one of the Student Student Institutions at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. ESP aims to bring together FTP students who study English together and hold English-based events and competitions. Currently ESP is chaired by Adriel THP 2016. This year ESP is holding its 5th Great Event with various events. The series of events are ESP Open Debating Conference, N1 Acreditation, International Scholarship and Talkshow. […]
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