Yohana X-Factor Celebrate the 17th Surprise Party FTP Dies

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May 15, 2015
(Indonesian) Mahasiswa FTP Buat dan Pasarkan Helm Lipat Berpendingin Pertama di Dunia
May 15, 2015

Yohana X-Factor Celebrate the 17th Surprise Party FTP Dies

DSC_0504About 800 students seemed to fuse in surprise party which is held in order to celebrate the 17th Dies Natalis of Faculty of Agriculture Technology (FTP) of Brawijaya University on Sunday (10/05/2015) in the yard of FTP.

In his speech when opened the event, Dean of FTP, Dr.Ir.Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, M.App.Sc stated “Happy birthday to FTP. May in this mature age, FTP can more glory and go international. This event should be as relationship establishment to establish the togetherness among whole civitas of academic in FTP, not only as have fun event. Once more happy birthday, One Command TP Solid,” he explained while directly welcomed by yell of students.

Surprise party starts at 19:00 showing seventeen appearances and seventeen types of traditional food according to age of FTP. Dharma Sucipto explained, Vice President of Student executive Body of FTP, “We did not expect that the closing ceremony of the seventeenth anniversary of the FTP will take place as vibrant as this. Even this may be practically a record of previous years. In terms of visitors, you could say this is the biggest celebration in the history of FTP. In addition to guest star appearances are already known, we also present the seventeen traditional snacks that are rarely encountered. All of it is free for all visitors, because we want visitors to feel the festive Dies FTP and re-tasting the food variety. We do not want people to only know the food is modern, but the hope is also familiar with the local food that is healthy, nutritious and delicious flavor is not lost, “he explained.

Seventeen of food traditionally served include a layer cake, nagasari, onde onde, putu ayu, kue ku, banana fritters, pancakes, pastry putu, cucur, Mayang cake, cakes Rangi, ongol ongol, steamed cakes of rice, brown sugar cake, apem , bikang and lemper. Meanwhile seventeenth attractions presented were the band, performing acoustic, traditional and modern dance, vocal group, as well as drama monologues from various units of student activities such as Teni floppy FTP, Floleta, Clay, floppy Band, as well as offering three departments. In addition to launching the single ambassador FTP by all FTP Ambassador grand finalists in 2015, Surprise Party will also be the closing of the celebration Anniversary of FTP with gift giving Dean Cup winner, People’s Party and Contest Inter-MFIs (Ambition) which has held sometime earlier.

In the last event, all of visitors more spoiled by the presence of X-Factor’s Yohana who brought song “Selamat Ulang Tahun” and “Happy”. Her performance seemed energetic and full of spirit can arose the spirit of FTP student more enthusiast. “Happy Birthday FTP, may be more glory,” She shouted in the end of event. (dse/ Translated by Ratri).


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