FTP Students Win Champion in HI-BIG 2019

FTP Students Wins Champion in Business Competition at Surabaya State University
January 7, 2020
Abon Cabai Karya KKN Mapres FTP UB Laris Manis
January 22, 2020

FTP Students Win Champion in HI-BIG 2019

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology is indeed a Place of Achievement. This time a proud achievement came from the Agricultural Industry Technology Student. They are Doni Meiliyadi (TIP 2017), Muhammad Faisal Amru (TIP 2017), Alif Muhammad Amhar (TIP 2018), Winda Paramita (TIP 2017) and Laras Putri (TIP 2017). They won 1st and 2nd place in the Bussiness Idea Challenge HIMATITAN (HI-BIG) 2019 Competition.

Doni is the team leader of two different teams and won 1st and 2nd place in the competition very enthusiastically explaining the innovations made with his team. By relying on creativity, a lot of reading and discussing them gave birth to two great innovations that led them to win in this competition. The first innovation is the manufacture of antiseptic products that utilize beluntas leaves as a deodorizing spray. This idea was born because the smell of the feet can reduce self-confidence, anxiety, and even stress and depression. Then the use of beluntas leaves which have not yet maximized the spirit of Doni and his team to use it as an antiseptic agent. This work led Doni Meiliyadi (TIP 2017), Muhammad Faisal Amru (TIP 2017) and Alif Muhammad Amhar (TIP 2018) to become 1st HI-BIG 2019.

The second innovation is the manufacture of ready-made sauce products to complement snacks and food substitutes by utilizing local spices. The taste of typical archipelago Cuisines such as rendang and soto has the potential to be a food supplement sauce, considering that sauces on the market today are only limited to the taste of tomatoes, chilies, and barbeque. It also encourages the development of distinctive archipelago flavors so that it is known by the world community. This work delivered Doni Meiliyadi (TIP 2017), Winda Paramita (TIP 2017) and Laras Putri (TIP 2017) and the team won 2nd place in HI-BIG 2019.

HI-BIG (Himatitan Bussiness Idea Challenge ) is an annual HIMATITAN competition to hone the thinking ability and creativity of Agricultural Industry Technology students in developing their business ideas. This time, HI-BIG 2019 raised the theme “Your Business Your Brand” with sub-themes such as social-preneur , agribusiness, technology, creative industries, and systems engineering. This competition was participated by many TIP students from 2017-2019. (Din)

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