Mas'ud Effendi

Tuesday January 7th, 2020

FTP Students Wins Champion in Business Competition at Surabaya State University

FTP students again made achievements and made UB’s name big. This time good news came from Dinda Hasnatul Ula (TIP 2017), Muhammad Ihwan Septiasah (TIP 2016) and Betsy Jesslyn Mae (THP 2017). They created an innovation in the form of a healthy catering service called Carefood. This work was contested in the National Economic View organized by BEM Faculty of Economics, Surabaya State University on November 1-3, 2019. Carefood is a healthy catering service that can be accessed using an […]
Friday December 20th, 2019

Seminar Ilmu Lingkungan 2019 oleh Universitas Tohoku

Pada 18 Desember, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UB bersama Fakultas Ilmu Komputer mengadakan seminar mengenai studi lingkungan. Seminar dihadiri oleh mahasiswa dari Teknik Lingkungan dan Ilmu Komputer baik S1 maupun S2. Pemateri yang mengisi acara ini berasal dari Universitas Tohoku yaitu Prof. Hideyuki Takahasi, Prof. Noriyoshi Tsuchiya, Prof. Tomoki Nakaya, Assoc. Prof. Isao Murata, dan Assoc. Prof Daisuke Sano. Materi yanh dibawakan berupa energi terbarukan,
Wednesday December 18th, 2019

Cargill Global Scholarship Program 2020

The Cargill Global Scholars Program is a distinctive, two-year leadership development program that provides financial support, in addition to leadership development training and one-on-one mentoring.The purpose of the Cargill Global Scholars Program is to build a global network of future leaders who will one day make important contributions to advance business, agriculture and food security. Cargill Global Scholars are students who demonstrate exemplary academic achievements, leadership potential and study in food, agriculture and risk management. The Cargill Global Scholars Program […]
Friday December 6th, 2019

FTP Students Wins Champion in 2019 Greenesy

Mahasiswa FTP kembali menorehkan prestasi. Prestasi ini datang dari Rafiq Usdika Maulana, mahasiswa THP angkatan 2017. Rafiq meraih juara 3 dalam Lomba Esai Nasional “Greenesy” yang diselenggarakan oleh Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya (EM UB) 2019 mulai tanggal 17 Oktober-28 November 2019. Dengan bimbingan Prof. Dr. Ir. Elok Zubaidah, MP, Rafiq mengagas sebuah ide mengenai biodegradasi limbah popok dan pembalut menggunakan biobeds konsorsium bakteri. Ide ini lahir dari kekhawatiran akan limbah popok dan pembalut yang banyak dihasilkan oleh kegiatan individu (bayi, […]
Thursday December 5th, 2019

FTP Students Achieve at LKTIN Dinas Kehutanan Jawa Timur

FTP UB students Laurensia Elizabeth Gunadi, Naura Mufidah S. R, Henokh Rostiyanti and Audry Naoni Putri succeeded in achieving the achievement by winning the national scientific writing competition of the East Java Forest Service. The scientific paper competition itself, was held by the East Java Forestry Service in order to increase public and young generation awareness about the importance of forest preservation especially in East Java and efforts to develop forest potential for community welfare. The theme of the competition […]
Thursday December 5th, 2019

Again, FTP Students Wins Bronze Medal in Malaysia

For the umpteenth time, FTP students won awards in Malaysia. This time, a proud achievement came from Rizki Afrilianingsih, Agricultural Industry Technology (TIP) student of 2017. Under the guidance of Gembong Edhi Setyawan, ST., MT, Rizki and his team who were Vocational, FILKOM and FMIPA students together to create innovations in the form of chairs wheels that can be controlled independently by persons with disabilities without the help of others. This work was contested at the International Invention and Innovative […]
Wednesday December 4th, 2019

FTP Students Win 2nd Runner Up in the 2019 Unilever Future Leader League

Not only did they excel in scientific writing competitions, FTP students also excelled in the prestigious business case competition organized by one of the leading multinational companies, Unilever. This achievement was achieved by Lindyca Celine Maima Manik (THP 2016) who won the 2nd Runner Up for Group Winner in the Unilever Future Leader League 2019. In this competition, Celine and her team from UGM and ITB compete with many participants from various leading universities such as UNDIP, BINUS, UI, Prasetya […]
Wednesday December 4th, 2019

Agritech Sport FTP Visits FT UBAYA

Saturday (11/16/19), Agritech Sport a sport activity unit of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology held a study visit to the Surabaya University of Surabaya (UBAYA) Faculty of Engineering Sports UKM, Surabaya. Study visit is an annual work program of Agritech Sport in the form of visits to other faculties or universities to learn to work with sports organizations at the university or faculty level. The visit was attended by all members of Agritech Sport and welcomed by all members of […]
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